My 8th Anniversary of Survival

My 8th Anniversary of Survival

 Yesterday was my 8th anniversary, and I nearly forgot. 

It was a gorgeous Sunday morning just after 10:30am as I was riding to teach one of my first yoga classes for 11:00am in 2011. A fashion stylist, turned yoga instructor and newly certified & trained NLP life coach, I remember enjoying the idea of transforming peoples lives from the inside out or from the outside in on this particular ride. I felt entirely abundant and free while acknowledging that when I arrived to my destination to teach this class, I would simply have just enough time to relax my breath & heart for my students. My thoughts of the life I had invested every breath into to support others in their will to create the life they fully love was so exciting and inspiring for me. But it was probably around 10:37am when the universe/God/creator/ ... had a different plan, and my life totally changed. 

It’s been 8 years since the drunk driver dragged me behind his car from my bicycle, and I wasn’t even going to celebrate this day. I lived. After my 3 surgeries I learned to walk again. It was a new beginning. I motivated myself everyday and fought through my suffering bc I refused to be a victim. The truth is, I am a victim. But the REAL TRUTH is I survived and I am here to share my story. 

As I continue, there was another cyclist hit during my accident sometime before me, his name is Don. When I realized I was alive I saw Don mangled only feet from me as I tried so hard to get to him, but I couldn’t get to him bc I couldn’t move. People ran from everywhere to help us. I was transported to Mount Sinai, but I don’t know what happened with Don at the time. I did not know him. 

After endless hours of searching, his girlfriend Rena finally found him in the Miami trauma center. Don was in a coma for 10 days. A few months later and following my rehab to learn to walk again, Rena encouraged me to come see him. I hobbled into the trauma center and met Don for the first time. He was surrounded in metal from head to toe with pins holding him together everywhere. Rena shared pictures of what Don looked like before the accident and he was a healthy fit man in his late 40s who had only gone on a quick bike ride while he was on vacation. Don also lived, and today he suffers from short term memory loss, is in a wheelchair, and Rena takes care of him best she can. 

This past weekend I was invited to a MADD Tea Party and my friend Suzy asked me what I was doing to celebrate. You see, she lost her husband to a drunk driver. Ironically he happened to be in Miami too; away from his wife and son working on a case when he was killed. My heart endlessly hurts for those who suffer and for those who have lost their family, friends and loved ones. I hadn’t thought about celebrating considering so many other people have died from a most unfortunate tragedy; and families continue to suffer because of the wreck less, irresponsible, and mindless drivers that have taken/altered the lives of so many incredible people. This is completely unacceptable. 

So this is my story. And it’s my 8th anniversary and I decided to celebrate. 

We celebrate Life. We celebrate being alive and we celebrate the Life of those who have passed. In yoga, the word PRANA means breath or life force. Every breath we inhale and exhale is a gift for us to be alive together. I am here, you are here, we are here. Every breath is a moment for us to consciously choose to be mindful or mindless with our thoughts, words, and actions for ourselves and others. The choice is ALWAYS up to us. Its possible to choose to NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. It’s possible to be mindful for your health and others. It’s possible. Simply step out of yourself and consider all of the others who could possibly be effected like some of the people I mentioned above. Observe the consequences. 

In celebration of being alive and the PRANA we have been given to express ourselves and share among one another, please enjoy 33% off on ALL jewelry and PRANA merchandise until Easter Sunday April 21 at by using coupon code SURVIVOR. A portion of ALL sales will be donated to MADD. 

#awareness #mindful #madd

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